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Looking for support on the next feature or documentary? One of these labs may be the perfect fit!  

Through a year-round continuum of support — including labs, fellowships, intensives, grants, networking events, funding, and educational resource opportunities — producers are given the opportunity to build community with fellow producers and industry members, hone creative skills, gain additional knowledge of the field, and develop strategies for pitching, producing, financing, and releasing their films.

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The Producing Lab helps further the careers of its Fellows by introducing them to film professionals who can advise them on both the craft and business of independent producing. In addition to attending lab sessions with legal, financial and production experts, each Producing Lab Fellow will be paired with an experienced Creative Advisor with whom they’ll work to develop their project over the course of the program. 


The producers of ten feature films are invited to meet co-producers and financiers amid the bustle of the Berlinale Co-Production Market. Participants benefit from guidance provided by established industry mentors and learn to position their projects within the international production landscape in preparation for numerous tailored one-on-one meetings. Producers must have made one feature or two shorts to apply.

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Impact Partners is dedicated to funding independent documentary storytelling that entertains audiences, engages with pressing social issues, and propels the art of cinema forward. Their Documentary Producers Fellowship celebrates the independent documentary producer and foster producing talent through a yearlong program - featuring workshops with hands-on support of in-progress projects, and discussions with luminaries in the field.

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